Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Jesse Fullbright Composer, Guitar, Keyboard, Bass, On the Robert Jamason Project

    Being a co-composer for the Hands That Heal cd has truly been a blessing for me. Not only have I got to witness Robert Jamason compose a piece of music but I've also had the privilege of working with him. To think that I would be composing music someday was never really something I had anticipated but it was always in the back of my mind. When I think back to my childhood I remember that hearing was my favorite sense, and I would listen to music and just get lost in it. I would absorb it and produce a burning desire to want to create something like it but I focused on sports rather than art and expression. In fact every noise to me was just beautiful and the fact that noises could be translated to a picture painted in the mind captured me.

   I eventually started learning the guitar and immediately felt the void I had been missing was replaced. My mother knew the basic chords of the guitar and showed me how to play them and from then on I wouldn't stop. I have been writing music and composing for almost half my life and even branched out into learning instrument other than the guitar, such as, piano(keys), drums, bass and the harmonica as well. I plan on learning more but thats enough for now as I'm getting more into the production of sound and the elements of song writing.

   I started throwing together ideas with friends and alone with my own thoughts, but never had a real idea for my music. I felt like my talents to learn these instruments was a God send in itself but when I met Robert Jamason it reassured me that my music talents weren't meant to just be a hobby. I finally knew what my music was meant for, a greater cause, something someone can listen to and get lost in soo much that it inspires them as much as I was inspired by sound. A piece of art that someone would listen to and appreciate because it speaks to them.

 Music is beautiful and sounds are too, although some sounds may be too harsh to handle, they are still a beautifully natural part of what surrounds us everyday. Sure a paint brush can tell a story, or a photograph can say 1000 words... a piece of music artfully crafted with a vision drives people! Purely because people believe in the artist and they relate to the what they have said. When I met Robert he proved to me that I have a gift, even though I work day and night working on my music skills, I have always felt like I could just understand it or learn to understand it. I didn't really think my guitar playing was special or that it was interesting enough for a cd, I just liked playing what I thought sounded beautiful.

  My good friend Jake Aiuto played rhythm and would sing vocals and together we would write catchy little tunes that we would just play back and forth laughing and joking with our friends. Robert noticed not only my talent on the guitar but Jake's talented vocals. I would pick Robert's brain trying to get every little bit of information. It got to a point that Robert asked us to be a part of something he was working on. We started out working on songs like Only Souls and Mustard Seed, and still to this day I get goose bumps listening to Only Souls as it really captures me as a listener but also being a part of it and feeling the emotion behind it which fueled my guitar solo makes me feel the song even deeper.

  The Hands That Heal cd is not only something I am proud to be a part of, but it is something I have had a blast working on and got to know Robert Jamason and his family in the process, who have treated me as their own flesh and blood. Great people to share life with. And not only have I got to know the Jamason family, but working on the Hands That Heal cd has got me closer with my own family. My mother, father and two sisters. They have always supported me and I hope they can feel some support from the Hands That Heal cd and other cd's to come.

   We are currently working on a second album as of right now. Robert and I bouncing ideas back and forth musically working together to compose a piece of art to have Jake sing on to add the final touch.  The most recent song we are working on is called sleeping tiger. We look forward to continuing the song with the vocals needed to be added soon. Sneak peaks of new music and new ideas from the Hands That Heal studio with be submitted. It is a true blessing to work with Robert and to write and compose together. And I have not only had the time of my life getting to Robert and writing with him but the composition of the album and the new work we are currently doing has got me further in my walk with the Lord. God bless the Hands That Heal studio.

Jesse Fullbright
Hands That Heal CD

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